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検索キーワード「g shock mtg blue phoenix price」に一致する投稿を関連性の高い順に表示しています。 日付順 すべての投稿を表示

G-shock mtg-b2000ph blue phoenix 345630-Casio g-shock mtg-b2000ph-2a blue phoenix

3/6/21 Casio released a new GSHOCK watch today the MTG Blue Phoenix (MTGB00PH) It combines the ruggedness and durability of GSHOCK watches with a resplendent rainbow hue According to Casio, the MTG Blue Phoenix's design motif combines the watch's rainbow ion metal plating applied to its bezel and case, along with a multicoloured dial2/3/21 The GSHOCK MTG series is equipped with advanced technology, focusing on materials, structures, and designs with the theme of fusion of metal and resin The MTGB00PH is a special model designed with the theme of "Blue Phoenix" based on the MTGB00 that utilizes carbon material9/6/21 The Blue Phoenix is a highspeed headon collision between technology and neonShinjukunights artistry and it could only have come from Japan, and from Casio Coming soon to a NeoTokyo near you The MTGB00PH features a dedicated smartphone connection via the GShock Connected app;

Limited Edition Casio G Shock G Shock Mtg B00ph 2aer Rainbow Blue Phoenix Mtg Watchcharts

Limited Edition Casio G Shock G Shock Mtg B00ph 2aer Rainbow Blue Phoenix Mtg Watchcharts

Casio g-shock mtg-b2000ph-2a blue phoenix
